September 3, 2009 journal, the State of Texas may have executed an innocent man during the Bu*sh years as governor when he put away more than 140 to help his political career. The crime was committed when this man was only 17 years old but he had nothing to do with it. This is an example of Texas being overzealous to execute people even under age. if you think we are a Christian nation you should think again because we are just a bunch of barbarians. The young woman's 2 children found living hostage in a tent in California are educated as good or better than most school kids which don't say much for education. If you think those twin stakes on a poll make us like Moses of the Old Testament you are mistaken because that symbol is of the pagan Zeus like Antichrist. if you think the end God We Trust on the dollar bill is for real it is not, it refers to paganism and idol worship. If you think your church & your preacher are preaching the gospel to you then think again make sure it is the true gospel and not a substitute. Now I will paint the American people eating green at the dollar trough. America has been had by Zionist propaganda and now we are slaves to the financial system & any way they screw you they will wind up on top. We are nothing but commodities to Wall Street and if they can't sell your blood they will sell your flesh. We are pawns in the game about like that Orange County case where a young lady was kept in a tent to serve a rapist and bear children. A man told me a few years back that there were tunnels under the other San Bernadino mountains for sex slaves to bear children for sacrifices and this comes so close to that scenario I heard. September 4, 2009 journal, Card Services another name for Chase Bank USA tyrants of the money industry. I have had a United Airlines card for 10 years with a $5,000 credit line with Chase not realizing who I was dealing with at 29% usury interest which means that every 3 years I have paid the principal amount in interest now more than three times. I have sent them a final payment and if they cash the check I will be free of Chase. I am hopeful. I sent the final payment marked clearly on the front and back of my check, 'this check pays this account in full', if they sign & cash it or if they cash it I am, you are free. Keep good photo copies of both the front and back of your check because you may have to prove it. If they flash your check through your bank without sending the check itself, it is still in my opinion valid and I believe you can require them to prove it, to give you a copy of it. I still have American Express at 14 %, Capital One at a high rate with a $700 credit line and Home Depot at 22 percent. All those cards are full so I am now finished spending on credit cards one way or another. The radical collectors must be dealt with firmly with notice to Cease to Desist so they must stop calling you or you report them. Some years back I purchased a camera from Best Buy along with their insurance that cost extra for 2 years coverage of "anything that could happen to the camera", the lens cracked 2 months later and I took it back. The Japanese repairmen called from Atlanta quoting me $429 to replace a lens. I told him I only paid $360 for the camera so just keep it. That $450.00 I put on Best Buys credit card the day I purchased it and made a few payments before I returned the camera suddenly grew to $900.00. Collector after collector called me threatening me and I asked them to sue me but they refused. A Peabody collection agency called me and with a name like that would scare the daylights out of most debtors I am sure but eventually they all quit trying to collect it. It went on my credit report and it may is still be on but the shower of credit cards being offered and sent to me continued. American Express with a $10,000 credit line all fully used now. I turned off on Washington Mutual and Chase acquiring them after I was receiving a dozen calls a day from India trying to collect which was sharing my personal information with a foreign country as it was incurring liability. Banks borrow money for 1/2% interest and spread it 40 times therefore their cost of money is nearly nothing. When you make a purchase on a credit card that creates an asset for the bank same as a mortgage does so you are actually supplying their money by spending, therefore you do not owe them anything actually in my opinion from what I have learned. I realized they were never going to credit my account I went to ask the camera back but they had disposed of it. When my insurance policy came due they tried to sell me a renewal policy for months on a camera I did not have. Soon after they advertized that they would replace your camera even if you let it get run over by a truck but that did not help me. They may have got the idea from me. Don't be Banked. After being charged by AT&T nearly $400 for early disconnect on my wireless when I did not disconnect my wireless, only today did I get it straightened out after they cut off my wireless and they found they owed me money back after an hour of my time on the phone. I am happy to get a sane individual willing to straighten it out and to look at all the facts. Normally they make you pay first before they turn it back on no matter if you are right or wrong. These corporate giants get accustomed to walking all over you and they keep on doing it. I believe most of these services can be almost free under the Internet telephones. I spoke to quick because AT&T cut my service off-again the very next day same old thing. I feel like a consumer advocate but I could never make a living at it. I have worked most my life for free anyway so why not continue on which is the greatest reward anyone could have. The oath taken by doctors to care for suffering humanity is really a great big joke as they get stars in their eyes. In Cuba annual health care averages $375 including pharmacy. I am not sure people need doctors or medicine if they live and eat right in a healthy way without MacDonald or Burger King. Why eat meat at all? If we did not fry stuff. If we knew how to eat healthy we may not need $300 worth of medical care every year but if we let people smoke and drink then they can look forward to massive medical expenses. Exercise and a positive attitude also is part of the ingredients of good health & longevity. I've received Hallelujah Acres offer of a nutritional supplement for digestion and I clicked on their ingredients to learn the primary ingredients to be minerals I have a stock such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, chromium and manganese which I have in liquid form so I can just take some of each day for my digestion which will help transfer the nutrients into my bloodstream much better. Other ingredients mentioned beside sugar beet juice are blends. The images have been on the Rockefeller Plaza building for more than 60 years and Glenn Beck's boss Murdoch owner of Fox News is in harmony with then all being a Zionist from Australia. Beck has lost about 50 advertisers lately for saying the new president is a racist. It seems to me neither Beck or MSNBC countdown host Keith Olberman knows much about what they were talking about on the statutes as being communistic. The creators of communism are the same people that run Wall Street today. MSNBC somehow accused Fox Glenn Beck of blaming the new president for these communistic and evil statues being at the NBC News headquarters. That's politics. Beck may not know which side his bread is buttered on. Rupert Murdoch is not going to put up with much of that if it starts to cost him advertisers. The name Rockefeller is like saying Rothschild in the banking world. Most of the banking world is controlled by the British "Jewish" Rothschild family including the Federal Reserve. I see on the Internet a book entitled the Final Empire, Wm Kotke, the seed of the future. $20 Amazon it has an interesting cover art page of a city on fire.